Splinter meeting within the AG Tagung in Kiel.
Schedule: 17.9. – 18.9. 2015
Session 1: Thursday 15:00-16:30, Room K
15:00 A broad view on solar and stellar activity (S. Czesla)
15:30 Solar activity: basic phenomena and processes (A. Warmuth)
16:00 Hunt for magnetic cycles in solar-type stars (S. Boro Saikia et al.)
16:15 Understanding Solar and Stellar Dynamos with numerical
Simulations (J. Warnecke et al.)
Session 2: Thursday 17:00-18:30, Room K
17:00 Stellar activity: key or nuisance (Klaus G. Strassmeier)
17:45 Solar chemical abundances from three-dimensional
magnetoconvection models and VTT observations (D. Fabbian)
18:00 IRIS observations and simulation of explosive events in the
transition region of the Sun (L.-J. Guo et al)
Session 3: Friday 13:30-14:30, Room K
13:30 Coronal magnetic field modeling using stereoscopy constraints
(I.Chifu et al.)
13:45 Modeling the Production of Cosmogenic Radionuclides due to Galactic and
Solar Cosmic Rays (K. Herbst et al.)
14:00 Influence of solar disturbance’s initial parameters on the arrival of
the associated interplanetary shock at Earth and the shock propagation models
(X. H. Zhao et al.)
14:15 Observation of the Cosmic-Ray Shadow of the Moon and
Sun with IceCube (F. Bos et al.)
Convenors: Thomas Wiegelmann wiegelmann@mps.mpg.de,
Sandra Jeffers jeffers@astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de,
Bernd Heber heber@physik.uni-kiel.de
Aim of the meeting:
The magnetic activity observed on the Sun and other Solar-type stars is driven
by internal dynamo processes. In the case of the Sun, the magnetic field
regenerates itself on an 11 year timescale but the recent results of the
long-term monitoring of other Solar-type stars suggests surprising cyclic
behaviour compared to the Sun. Within this splinter we aim stimulate
discussions between the stellar and solar community.
Key points are the physical understanding of solar and stellar cycles,
eruptive phenomena like flares, mass ejections, solar and stellar winds
and energetic particles.
What have we learned so far from measurements and modelling? What
similarities and which difference are known for solar and stellar
magnetic activity? Naturally the Sun allows in situ and more detailed
remote measurements with a high spatial and temporal resolution while
the stellar observations cover a large range of stellar mass
and rotation rates.